Idioms: Animals

11 Oct


Choose the correct animal to complete the following sentences.

cat (2)       lion        donkey        fish        snail


  1. He has some fascinating ideas, but he makes us do all the ……………… work.
  2. It took us forever to get home because we had to drive at a ………………’s pace through all the snow.
  3. The engagement is supposed to be a secret, so don’t let the ……………… out of the bag.
  4. He took the ………………’s share of the credit for the performance, but in fact it was his brother who did most of the work.
  5. I am so tired, I’ll have a ……………… nap.
  6. I felt like a ……………… out of water at the party as I hardly knew anybody there.



  1. donkey
  2. snail
  3. cat
  4. lion
  5. cat
  6. fish

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